Document Type : Research Paper



Awakening, Enlightenment, and Modernization in Tajikistan Under the influence of the views of Ahmad Makhdum Danesh (1897-1828) and his “Navader alvaghaye began with the education movement and so far, it has gone through various periods and has taken different approaches, such as religious, secular, Marxist, nationalist, and so on. In all of these periods, Persian language and literature has been used as a vehicle or platform for the development of modernism, thinking, and related topics, or as a means of conveying the concepts and ideas of this system. In some historical contexts, the category of Persian / Tajik language, script or literature has itself become an Identity maker element for Tajik intellectuals. Therefore, using a descriptive-analytical method, this study has attempted to analyze the role and influence of Persian language and literature in the formation and continuation of modern thinking and modernization or evolution in Tajikistan. The results of the research show that Persian language and literature has become subjective and sometimes subjective in relation to modern thought and modernity in this country and its historical continuity. The results of the research show that Persian language and literature has been a method and sometimes a goal in relation to modern thought and modernity in this country and its historical continuity. Such that, most of his intellectual works and modernistic ideals were presented in genres and literary formats. In addition, in the later periods, in contrast to the emergence and power of pan-Turkism and the ignorance of the Tajik identity and historical presence in transitions or in the story of the change of Persian line to Russian or Cyrillic, the category of native language and Persian literature and the preservation of Linguistic honors and Literary legacies, as a sacred ideal, have become the main concern of Tajik intellectuals in their social struggle.
